Mother/Daughter Workshops
Women with Wings: A Positive Look at Growing up Female
“Moana’s Women with Wings is a life-changing experience for mothers and daughters. The course is a delightful blend of education, sharing, creativity, laughter & tears, together with deep wisdom, empowerment, truth & ritual. Women with Wings is reminder of how truly wonderful it is to be of the feminine.” K. and daughter age 12

‘What our daughters need to know is that women are serious about making the world a place where they can dare to be whole, true, and powerful.’
– Mother Daughter Revolution
Through women’s circle we can honour our girls and welcome them into the ever evolving journey of being female. Together we can offer them a wider spectrum of wisdom and a sense of belonging to a greater collective of sisterhood, a well from which they can forever source nourishment and healing.
‘Women with Wings’ emphasizes the importance of recognising and ‘singing up’ each girl’s unique gifts. Within a safe and relaxed atmosphere of story, dance, craft, laughter, tears and sharing, girls and mums learn to trust in their own feminine process as they deepen their connections to each other and to the Sacred Feminine in each of us.
During more than 20 years of facilitating women’s gatherings I have witnessed, over and over again, women grieving the lack of what they eventually came to realise was their birthright….the potent and vital feminine wisdom designed to be passed down through the generations- from mothers, grandmothers, aunties and elder sisters.