Mother/Daughter Workshops

Women with Wings: A Positive Look at Growing up Female

“Moana’s Women with Wings is a life-changing experience for mothers and daughters. The course is a delightful blend of education, sharing, creativity, laughter & tears, together with deep wisdom, empowerment, truth & ritual. Women with Wings is reminder of how truly wonderful it is to be of the feminine.” K. and daughter age 12

Puberty is an exciting, sometimes confusing, and definitely influential time for young girls. Over many years of working with women I have observed how our puberty and adolescent experiences deeply imprint us, our perceptions of ourselves and the world, and continue to shape many of our choices into adulthood.
Since 1997 I have been working privately and in schools offering Women With Wings programs designed for pre-pubescent and adolescent girls, and their mothers or ‘aunties’. These workshops focus on the journey of girl to woman, offering tools for self-esteem, communication, introspection, women’s health, sisterhood, healthy body image, coping with cultural pressures and the daily life challenges of navigating the adolescent passage.
Indigenous cultures have always recognised puberty as the incredibly vulnerable, significant and profound moment inimages-104 life that has the potential to pave a pathway to inner strength, maturity, and positive, passionate participation in life. It is a time of major physical changes, brain growth, emotional extremes, questing and questioning, and new responsibilities and desires. As parents it is time to pay attention, tune in, and dance between offering support and encouraging independence as our youth move out into a wider circle of community and peers.

‘What our daughters need to know is that women are serious about making the world a place where they can dare to be whole, true, and powerful.’
– Mother Daughter Revolution

Hanging Web Artwork by Kristina Lynn Brown www.devaluna.comThrough women’s circle we can honour our girls and welcome them into the ever evolving journey of being female. Together we can offer them a wider spectrum of wisdom and a sense of belonging to a greater collective of sisterhood, a well from which they can forever source nourishment and healing.

‘Women with Wings’ emphasizes the importance of recognising and ‘singing up’ each girl’s unique gifts. Within a safe and relaxed atmosphere of story, dance, craft, laughter, tears and sharing, girls and mums learn to trust in their own feminine process as they deepen their connections to each other and to the Sacred Feminine in each of us.

During more than 20 years of facilitating women’s gatherings I have witnessed, over and over again, women grieving the lack of what they eventually came to realise was their birthright….the potent and vital feminine wisdom designed to be passed down through the generations- from mothers, grandmothers, aunties and elder sisters.

Every woman’s mother is essentially her first sister, her first connection to the Feminine.
I am always thrilled, and somewhat relieved, when mothers step forward and say: “It’s time. My daughter/niece is moving into young womanhood. It’s time she joined with other women and girls to celebrate, explore and share each of our unique experiences of the Feminine.” So thank you mothers. Thank you for your care and your response to this ancient and natural calling. Blessed Be.”
Moana Pearl

“A Warm Welcome to Womanhood was a very empowering weekend in which I, attending as an auntie, was reminded of how special and sacred it is to be a woman.  We were guided into exploring our relationship with and understanding of our bodies and our moon cycles.  This brought to light new unexpected insights which in the following months have left me feeling more grounded in who I am, and more connected both  to my niece’s current journey into womanhood and women in general.   It was a gentle, quiet, profound celebration of the transformations we go through as women in life expressed through creativity, circling, dance, song and ceremony.   I felt a part of an ancient tradition sacred to women that we are now thankfully, slowly, remembering and honouring, and I saw that I too am responsible for this reawakening.”