Women’s Rituals
“Moana’s work bridges a gap in our western culture that ancient societies have been honouring for thousands of years.”
S. Nunn, participant, mother of two girls.
Menarche Ritual
A menarche ritual is foundational for girls to embrace the great mystery that our menstrual cycle ushers in. This very important ritual serves to honour and celebrate the onset of a girls menstrual cycle, her moon cycle. With the support of friends and family, this is a time for women to share wisdom, make ceremony, and remember Sisterhood.
The sisters understand that as women the knowledge is innate within them and that, besides, they have their uteruses, which hold not the symbolic but the actual power of creation. -Marija Gimbutas, The Language of the Goddess
I am passionate about ceremony and menarche! and would love to support any mother to mark her daughter’s entry into her blood cycle with ceremony. I have facilitated many of these ceremonies, and each one is unique, depending on what’s appropriate for the particular girl, or girls. I am here to offer my experience and encourage you!
‘I awoke from the inherited curse of icy sanitation, to embrace creation’s fire, sacred bloodflower, the doorway to her power, and the mystery sweet.’- Moana Pearl
Rituals to Mark Transitions
There are times in our life when we need to be affirmed, when we need to call forth all the known and unknown forces of this great life mystery to stand witness to our changes, to re-mark our place on this Earth anew, to invite our loved ones to witness and support us on our journey around this wheel of life.
Often these transitions concur with a particular age, turning 40, or 50 or 52. Or after the death of a parent, the ending of a relationship, a change in our inner view.
Conscious ritual marking of life’s transitions provides us with an opportunity to re-view, re-assess, and re-story our lives so we remain congruent with our changing selves. Rituals to mark transitions were an essential part of all Earth based cultures. Rituals prepare us to claim a new status, to depart from old outworn structures or ways of being.
They not only provided the individual with affirmation and grounding, they provided the entire community a moment to reflect, re-claim, and re-establish their connections to eachother and the wondrous miracle of this life, to re-source from the invisible to claim a new status, to depart from old outworn structures or ways of being.

Each ritual is unique and designed to address individual needs. The preparation involves two or three 90 minute sessions (face to face or online) weeks beforehand. We then create the ritual. Several weeks later we complete with another session to support integration.
“ There is a magic that happens in circles with Moana that goes beyond the mundane.” Michelle
Rites of Passage for Teenage Girls

A Blessingway is a nourishing ritual for expectant mothers and her dear friends and family, to bless and honour her transition from woman to mother, regardless of how many children she already has. Together we humble to and celebrate the rich beauty and sacred power of woman’s capacity to bring forth new life through her body. (This ritual usually takes place towards the end of pregnancy and is offered on demand, so please contact me with enough time to organise!.)