This is ‘Mahmi’ (Bundjalung for ‘Mother’).DSC00174

An organic sculpture made by Australian eco-feminist artist Moana Pearl.

Materials: natural fibers, banana, vines, palms, ochres and re-cycled fabrics

155 x 125 x 52 cm

Originally in the ‘Essence of Woman’ exhibit  in early 2014 in Byron Bay, ‘Mahmi’ now seeks a patron so she can be appreciated by many at a women’s studies university, a maternity ward, or an urban women’s centre.

If you  know of any patrons of the arts who would may be able to assist ‘Mahmi’ to find her home please leave a comment.

Below is a snippet from abc Northern Rivers review of the exhibit. For the entire article go to:

‘The exhibition’s centrepiece is Moana Pearl’s impressive sculpture Mahmi, which is a full-breasted female figure, intricately woven from banana, flowers, local vines, palms and recycled fabrics and stands over 1.5 metres high. The artist describes her work as eco-feminist, aiming to remind us that everything on earth is inter-connected, and she certainly soars above us in the gallery.’DSC00169
The way a culture treats it’s women directly correlates to the way a
culture treats the Earth. My artwork is the voice of eco-feminism: exposing the obvious,
essential, but often inconvenient reality of humanity’s connection to
all living things. Using organic materials, my work is a
prayer to spark awe, humility and passion for the stewardship of our
wild nature.DSC00175

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Born in Australia, you may have noticed that ‘Mahmi’ has a marsupial style pouch. She is a representation of woman abundance, our inherent connection to nature and planetary cycles, and the power of the life giving mystery in our wombs.











She currently sits on a 80 cm high white plinth but can be removed easily for transport. She is a labor of love, with the handiwork and prayers of over two dozen women and a few young girls woven into her.


Within every woman there lives a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. She is the Wild Woman, who represents the instinctual nature of women. But she is an endangered species.-  Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women who Run with Wolves