A Committed Year-Long Series of Wisdom Circles
to Journey Deeply into the Feminine….
Limited to 12 women – Sundays, Monthly
An opportunity for women to strengthen and deepen their relationship to themselves, The Sacred Feminine, Sisterhood, and the role of women as co-creatresses and guiding force for society. Uncovering our authentic female voices and clearing the paths towards wholesome futures.
Beginning September 3rd 2018 (or as soon as we have enough women!)
“This circle has been absolutely key to my journey of transformation as a woman. The safe, sacred space carved a pathway into my depths and connected me to womankind and the earth. Moana’s love and passion for this work has lit up my life. I will be forever grateful!”- Meggie Danielson
A year of monthly Wisdom Circles, each Gathering builds on the next.
Guided ongoing personal exploration
One full weekend gathering (dates TBC)
One individual counselling session with Moana Pearl