“Any woman who chooses to behave like a full human being should be warned that [...]
“Any woman who chooses to behave like a full human being should be warned that [...]
Community, respect, connection, ceremony, sisterhood, gratitude, transformation, fun, authenticity…… These are the words women and [...]
The transporting story below is a memory from a woman of her childhood, printed with [...]
In February 2013 people around the world danced to ‘Break the Chain’, on V-Day, a [...]
I run groups for mothers and daughters, girls from 10-15. We talk about the possibility [...]
How do you feel? “Fine.” “Not bad.” “Pretty good.” “Could be worse.” “Yeah, okay….” Accessing [...]
When I first started blog writing a friend said to me, "I'm enjoying your blog, [...]
A class of 14 year old girls were having difficult social issues at school and [...]
I haven't read Naomi Wolf's new book, Vagina: A New Biography, but I am [...]
Let's wake up to the power of words. I'm in the queue at the fruit [...]